This underground cenote is located in the town of Chemax, if you take the open road Valladolid – < strong>Cancún you will have to detour to the town of Catzin to get there.
This tourist hostel has all the necessary services for you to enjoy an unforgettable day. Since it has changing tables, bathrooms, showers, vest rentals, a restaurant, a small tequila museum and sale of crafts.
But its greatest attraction is the cenote that is closed, to access it you have to take a shower as this will prevent us from contaminating the water, when you go to its entrance completely lined with stones you will have to bow your head a little, You will immediately be able to see the cenote in all its splendor.
Its steps are made of wood so the humidity of the place makes them a little slippery so go down with water shoes on to avoid accidents.
It has a hole that served as a well to extract water, now it is a beautiful hole where natural light can pass through and gives a touch of charm to the place. The entire vault is full of stalactites in which bats and swallows look for shelter or a place to make their nest.
The crystal clear water allows you to see what is inside, plus you can enjoy the presence of the fish that approach the platform to accompany you on your first approach to its fresh waters.
The depth of this cenote is 10 meters, it has a platform for the most intrepid who want to dive. Thanks to the fact that some stones have fallen over time, it is possible to reach the other end of the place and enjoy a different view of the place.
If you want to visit the Cenote Pueblo Fantasma, access costs $50 pesos for adults and $30 pesos for children, from 10 am to 5 pm from Monday to Sunday.< /p>