The Cenote Ch'oojaj which means “Dripping Water” It is located on the Chemax-New Xcan highway at kilometer 180, it has a small sign that is easily lost from sight.

This beautiful cenote is located in a cave about 15 meters below the ground, to descend you will walk along wooden stairs that will give you a panoramic view of the place, it has a length of 433.6 kilometers and a depth of 50 meters.

It is surrounded by stalactites that immediately impress you, it has lighting so even though it is a little dark you can see perfectly where you are going. When the wooden stairs were finished they have created a path of stones that are wet almost all the time, step carefully so as not to fall.

Cenote Ch´Oojaj en X-can, Cenotes Yucatan

It has a semi-circle shape where without a doubt its beautiful beauty will leave you captivated, its roof is completely riddled with stalagmites, its crystalline blue waters invite you to cool off in them. Thanks to its shape, it has an area where the little ones or fearful people can cool off without going into the depths.

Few cenotes have Colonnades, which are stalagmites and stalactites that have fused over time, this one has several of them and one has a small jacuzzi in which you can rest for a long time.

You can explore it on a kayak or swimming through each of its corners, its beauty is almost indescribable and the enormousness of the cavern is impressive.

This place has rustic changing tables, showers and dirt parking.

The cost of access is approximately $50 pesos

Photos of the Cenote Ch'Oojaj

Cenote Ch´Oojaj en X-can, Cenotes Yucatan
Cenote Ch´Oojaj en X-can, Cenotes Yucatan Cenote Ch´Oojaj en X-can, Cenotes Yucatan

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